This Isnt a Painting

This Isn’t a Painting

Incredible works by Alexa Meade Many of you couldn’t believe that her paintings were actually real life people, body-painted in such a way to look as an acrylic masterpiece. The illusion works best when you see the installation up-close. Just in case you don’t is few photos shot from greater distance. Now wasn’t that nice of me…. ;)

This Isn't a Painting, its a real woman.
AlexaMeade Body Paint Painting Optical Illusion 1
you didn't believe me. right?

Alexa Meade Body Paint Painting Optical Illusion 2

here is the proof

Alexa Meade Body Paint Painting Optical Illusion 3

and here is the artist 

Alexa Meade, at work
Alexa Meade is a 23-year-old artist based in Washington, DC. 

Alexa Meade has innovated a Trompe-L’Oeil painting technique that can perceptually compress three-dimensional space into a two-dimensional plane. Her work is a fusion of installation, painting, performance, photography, and video art.

Rather than painting a representational picture on a flat canvas, Meade paints her representational image directly on top of her three-dimensional subjects. The subject and its representation become one and the same. Essentially, her art imitates life on top of life.

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